Tag Archives: Cruze

Cruze vs. Christian Fox full nelson

Here’s a classic clip from the archives: Cruze traps Christian Fox in a full nelson/bodyscissor combo. I recall a clip of this circulating the Internet, Yahoo groups, etc. at least 10 years ago, and then it kind of disappeared.


In a true technical match, Christian Fox should have cranked an ankle lock to make Cruze regret his mistake of applying a bodyscissor from this angle. I guess Christian was never taught that defense. But it’s still fun to watch Christian squirm every which way. Cruze asks Christian a few times if he gives.

“How you like that, huh? You give?”

Christian submits a couple times, but even has he does so, he reaches behind Cruze’s head to counter. Cruze isn’t fazed and keeps him trapped in the tight hold to assert his dominance.

“You ain’t getting nowhere. You might as well give up, blondie,” taunts Cruze with disdain.
“I give up,” Christian quickly replies yet again.

Cruze pretends he didn’t hear him and doubles down with a new wave of crushing force on Christian’s neck, shaking his head like a rag doll.

At one point it looks like Christian is close to applying an ankle lock, but he never does. He does find another way to get Cruze to break the full nelson, but Cruze has other tricks still to punish the youngster for his disobedience…

(BG East – Hard Pros 4, Cruze vs. Christian Fox)