Video: Chalupa dominates G-dogg

Extended video clip! From a great classic video by the sadly defunct Underground Independent Wrestling company.

Here, Chalupa lands a choke on the feisty G-dogg. He holds G-dogg for awhile, sitting quietly and letting him get complacement that no more serious punishment is coming. Then Chalupa suddenly pops his leg out as he tries to add in a bodyscissor for an extra measure of control. Even as G-dogg’s energy is waning while trapped in the choke, he still has the presence of mind to throw off Chalupa’s leg. G-dogg knows that if Chalupa wraps him up between his legs with the choke in place, he is toast.

Even with his life force draining away, G-dogg manages to reverse and escape the choke, only to get caught again in Chalupa’s fierce headlock.

Will the quick, agile G-dogg find a way to prevail over the strong, dominating Chalupa, or will Chalupa subdue G-dogg and bend him to his will? Watch to find out!

(Underground Independent Wrestling – Adversity 1, Chalupa vs. G-dogg)

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