
Guido turns on Brute

A good way for a little guy to take down a bigger guy is to jump on his back, lay in a choke or sleeper, and then wrap up his midsection in a crushing scissor. It’s even more fun when a ripped muscle beast uses this tactic on another fellow muscle beast! Guido and Brute were on the same team, but Guido wants to be the ultimate champ and turns his back on his once-ally.

“Tap out, or go to sleep. Just go to sleep you mothafucka…. Oh yeah, going down. Right into those anaconda thighs.”
“You cheap bastard! You were supposed to be my brother… I trusted you.”
“Just fucking go to sleep and shut the fuck up!”

(BG East – 3-Way Thrash 4, Brute Baynard vs. Guido Genatto vs. Jonny Firestorm)

“Keep squirming, punk. I like it when my victims squirm.”
“I’m not giving up.”
“That’s what you think.”
“How do you like wedgies?”
“Damn! You punk. You cheap ass lil punk.”
“Pretty much.”
“Just for that, I’m gonna make it really hurt. Prepare to hear your ribs cracking.”
“I give up! I give up!”
“That’s right you give up.”

(Fightplace – Eddie’s Fight Night, Eddie vs. Alfred)

Dave crushes Ray’s head

Dave Markus is crushing Ray Mousi’s head in his signature headscissor, taking a moment to make sure Ray’s head is centered to absorb the full force of the pressure inflicted by his legs.

After getting Ray’s head right where he wants it, Dave starts the trash talk. “How’s that feel? You ready to submit?”

Ray’s vascular biceps are powerful, with veins popping, but he can’t even bring them to bear to break out of Dave’s painful headscissor.

Ray may have the bigger biceps, but in this match he is forced to submit to the alpha male.

Ray taps out! Dave’s formidable legs have claimed their latest victim.

(Movimus Wrestling – MW2016-19, Dave Markus vs. Ray Mousi (the Re-Rematch) – available for download at

Mitch vs. Tyrell poolside crush

Mitch Colby relaxes by the pool, soaking up some rays for his tan, while making Tyrell Tomsen suffer in the crushing power of his quads.

“Scream for me, you lil bitch,” Mitch orders. Tyrell obliges.

“You can’t hang, man. You might as well give up.”

(BG East – Wet & Wild 3, Mitch Colby vs. Tyrell Tomsen)

Jake Ryder’s tight figure four grip on Zman

“Having trouble there, little guy?” Jake taunts Z-man, as he chokes off Zman’s air supply with a figure four headscissor, grabbing some of Zman’s hair for good measure.

“I’ll get you,” Zman mutters, using precious oxygen. Jake laughs maliciously as he tightens his grip on Zman, determined to make him pass out…

“C’mon, you can get out. Can’t you? Or do you just wanna give up, pussy? You can give up if you want.”

Zman may have the more ripped physique, but he is suffering in Jake’s expert breathtaking grip.

(BG East, Mat Scraps 3 – Jake Ryder vs. Zman)

Evan vs. Shawn: the final submission

Evan vs. Shawn: the final submission.

Shawn lands the deadly choke that is the beginning of the end. Evan, though exhausted at the end of a long match, is pumped, and his veins pop while he struggles with every last bit of strength he has to defeat the choke.

“Just let me get this in real quick,” says Shawn as he manages to get both legs wrapped around Evan’s lower torso, giving him an extra measure of control over Evan’s movements. But not content with mere control, to get the win Shawn needs to inflict damage and pain. After stabilizing his position, Shawn extends his legs straight to maximize their crushing power, turning Evan’s abs to silly putty while Shawn concentrates again on laying in on the choke.

Evan is wrapped up tight with nowhere to go, the life being squeezed out of him as an anaconda does to its prey. After a long struggle, not wanting to give the final submission that will end the match, Evan finally taps hard on Shawn’s rock solid thigh clenched tight against his torso, signaling his defeat.

(Movimus Wrestling – MW2017-23, Evan Turner vs. Shawn Duncan (World Series) – available for download at

I know you’re hurting now, with my powerful legs tightening the figure four grip on your torso. But just wait a sec, gotta secure this headlock…

Aw yeah, there we go. Got you choked and your head locked in place. Now how’s that feel buddy?

Hard to breathe? Ready to submit? You know I got you. You can’t take this.

(Movimus Wrestling – Derek Ortiz vs. Salvatore Landow, free match for their anniversary. Happy 6th birthday, Movimus! Check out the free match here –