Tag Archives: Jermaine

Okay, that’s it. Once I get you wrapped up in a scissor, you’ll never break out. Stop screaming, you little pussy. Just lay still and take the pain like a man.

Dude, you let me get a bearhug on you? Now I’m crushing your torso in two places at once. Which hurts more, the bearhug or the scissor?

That’s it. You’re done. You might as well just give up and make it easy on yourself.

(Fightplace – Real Hard Scissors 11, Momo vs. Jermaine)

The victim desperately tries to pry off the legs threatening to crush his head, but his superior foe just grabs the victim’s arms and keeps them locked at his side. At that moment, the alpha squeezes his legs and increases the pressure. Gotta love that look of fierce determination and then the satisfied smile on the alpha’s face. He knows he’s got his victim right where he wants him.

(from Fightplace – Chaos Driver, Bubu vs. Jermaine)